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Is Spain a safe place for women?

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Why Spain is a top traveling destination for solo women travellers

Spain is a popular destination for solo female travelers. Ask any female solo traveler to Spain, and they will rave about it. he stunning architecture and art, as well as the breathtaking beaches and landscapes of S Pain are all available to worldly and intelligent solo female travelers. Oh, the food! he rate of violent crime against travelers is very low. People are friendly and people tend to stay out late at night so that there is always someone around.
As with any other place in the world, take precautions and keep your valuables safe. Pickpocketing is a common occurrence in larger cities like Barcelona or Madrid. If you’re alone, take a taxi to return to your accommodation at night. pain is one the friendliest countries in the world. Spaniards are enthusiastic and full of life. eople are friendly and warm. It is common for people to greet you in smaller towns and cities with friendly “buenas” t is easy to make friends, especially if the language is well-understood. Even if you’re just learning, locals really appreciate visitors who try to learn Spanish (and Catalan at Barcelona). any Spanish people are so kind and friendly that they make Spain a favorite destination for travelers.

Tips for Canadian women travellers to Spain


Spain is always crowded with tourists, especially in summer and in major cities. There are many women who travel alone around Spain. Although most locals will not raise an eyebrow at you, there are many petty criminals who make their living ripping off tourists. This could make you an easy target.
Women need not worry about too much, but there are some things you can do to avoid any travel problems, unwanted attention, or uncomfortable situations.
While violent crime against tourists is rare in Spain, petty theft is a common occurrence.
You’ll attract attention if you have heavy luggage or look lost upon arrival in a new place, especially on the Metro. You’ll be more mobile and less likely to be pickedpockets and thieves if you pack light.
Stolen handbags can make thieves look like bullseyes. Instead of stuffing your entire belongings into one bag and hoping for a lucky break, you can keep your cash and cards safe and secure in a money belt or hidden pocket.
When you travel by Metro, in crowded places or on public transport, keep your bag close to your body and your hand. It’s easier for someone to grab your bag if you wear it across your body, rather than on your shoulder. This is true for long necklaces and camera straps.

Social etiquette

Spain is cosmopolitan, multicultural and open to all but some aspects. This is due to its Catholic heritage. The country has a variety of styles, with some being more casual as you move south. However, you should avoid wearing bright colors and too many revealing clothes.
Everything is displayed at the beach, but the dress code gets stricter as you get further away from the water. You will be instantly identified as a tourist and potential target if you are seen walking through the city wearing a bikini top.
Fashion will be more conservative the further you travel away from big cities. Pickpockets are more likely to target tourist areas so theft risk is lower in rural areas. You may be noticed, especially if your shorts are too short.
It will not be much more than disapproving glances or maybe a few comments on the streets. It is best to ignore them. They will only be motivated if you acknowledge them or challenge them.

How to avoid attention in Spain as a woman solo traveler

Most Spanish people don’t tend to be aggressive with strangers, despite being friendly. Anybody who approaches you on the street or in public transport should be treated suspiciously, especially if they are trying to touch or get near you. paniards may seem a bit more expressive and outgoing than you are used to. They might wave their arms while speaking, or wave their arms in a gesture of affection. It can be intimidating to see a stranger up close. ye contact here isn’t as suggestive. Don’t be too hard on yourself if they hold your gaze. It is still strange for someone to stare inexplicably. our own judgment of the situation is what matters most. You may feel that something is not quite right. Do not tolerate feeling threatened or uncomfortable. our new friend should be asked to leave. You can pretend to not understand their language if it is too early in the piece. Talk to the nearest security guard or policeman if they continue to persist. t’s safer to go out with a group if you plan on going out at night. Make sure that you don’t get separated.
After sundown, the dress code remains in effect so avoid revealing too much skin and wearing clingy clothes. Many Spanish men believe that foreign girls are promiscuous. They will be more aggressive and forward with tourists than they are with local girls. Let them know you aren’t impressed, and they will soon realize that you don’t mean to be. lthough they are not common, it is possible to be attacked or sexually assaulted by tourists. Tourists are often the perpetrators, so don’t assume that someone is safe because they’re also traveling. rink spiking and the use of rape drugs to date women are serious problems. Make sure you have all the ingredients for your drink and that they are kept safe. Bartenders are generous with their drinks, so don’t overdo it. on’t reveal too much about your destination. If you are traveling solo, don’t mention it. These details are not for everyone.

Safe traveling on your trip to Spain and we are sure it will make for unforgettable memories!